What are life sciences? | Jobs in life sciences

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The study of life sciences opens doors to endless discoveries and opportunities. You could help solve life's mysteries and gain practical skills for healthcare, research, conservation, and biotechnology. Or you could pursue your passion for understanding life and make a positive impact on the world through this exciting career pathway.

What are life sciences?

The study of life sciences involves examining living organisms and their workings from cells to ecosystems. It includes various disciplines, such as biology, genetics, ecology and physiology to help us understand evolution and interactions between organisms and their environment.

Life sciences have practical applications in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. They help improve human health, understand nature, and conserve biodiversity.

Types of life sciences

Life sciences are a variety of scientific disciplines that study living organisms and their interactions with the environment.

Biomedical science

Biomedical science is vital in healthcare and medical research as it helps improve patient care and medicine development. By understanding the human body, scientists can uncover disease causes and create effective treatments, leading to better outcomes. Advancements in this field drive cutting-edge research, revolutionising healthcare and saving lives.


Chemistry explores matter and its interactions, shedding light on biochemical processes in living organisms and drug interactions. Advancements in healthcare, including new medicines and therapies, stem from research and testing.

Health sciences

Health sciences enhance well-being, prevent illnesses and improve healthcare systems. By addressing community health concerns, it tackles the challenges faced by populations. Through research and policy development, it ensures better access and quality of healthcare for all, creating healthier societies and improving quality of life.


Nutrition is crucial for overall well-being, supporting health and managing conditions. By adopting healthy habits, we protect our bodies, prevent illness and improve quality of life. It’s not just sustenance; nutrition is key to disease prevention and better health outcomes.

Forensic science

Forensic science is vital in criminal investigations, enabling accurate evidence analysis and suspect identification for legal outcomes. It involves the examination of biological materials such as DNA to determine causes of death and link suspects to crime scenes.

Life sciences careers

Life sciences offer diverse and exciting opportunities to contribute to healthcare and scientific progress.

Teesside University focuses on practical knowledge and real-world experience, preparing graduates for the workforce through strong partnerships with NHS providers and others. The University prepares graduates well for their future careers, with 80% securing graduate-level jobs or further study within 15 months after graduation (The Guardian University Guide 2023).

Some of the top jobs in life science include:

  • Pharmacologist – study how drugs interact with biological systems to ensure efficacy and safety. Workers in this field contribute to drug discovery, development, and ensuring the safe use of medications. 
  • Microbiologist – study microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and fungi, investigating their structure, behaviour, and interactions with the environment. Microbiologists play a crucial role in understanding infectious diseases, ensuring food safety and promoting public health.
  • Laboratory technician – behind scientific breakthroughs, laboratory technicians generate reliable data, support researchers, and maintain safety, laying the groundwork for future advancements.
  • Data manager – organise and analyse data for research and healthcare, driving evidence-based decision-making and knowledge growth.
  • Genetic counsellor – provide guidance to individuals and families facing genetic disorders or concerns. They offer support in navigating genetic information, empowering individuals to make informed choices about their health.
  • Biomedical engineer – apply engineering principles to develop medical devices, equipment and technologies. They contribute towards the development of innovative medical technologies, improving patient care and revolutionising healthcare.

Study life science at Teesside University

Teesside University offers an excellent opportunity to study life science, attracting international students from around the world. Renowned for its commitment to student satisfaction, the University was ranked first among 32 UK universities for overall happiness in the International Student Barometer 2022*.

The Teesside University International Study Centre is a great starting point for international students seeking a fulfilling academic and career journey. Students can explore exciting programmes, such as the International Foundation Year in Computing, Engineering and Health Sciences, which provides them with essential knowledge and skills to progress to a life science degree at the University.

After successfully completing a life science degree at Teesside University, graduates will have the skills and knowledge needed to explore the exciting career opportunities that the field of life science has to offer.

The process to enrol at Teesside is fast and simple. Learn more about the entry requirements and fees for your chosen programme at the International Study Centre.


Is life science a good course?

Life science is a good course for those interested in studying live organisms and their interactions. It offers a wide range of career opportunities and contributes to advancements in healthcare, biotechnology and environmental sciences.

What are the main areas of life science?

The main areas of life science include:

  • Biology
  • Genetics
  • Biochemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Neuroscience
  • Biotechnology.

Are life science graduates in demand?

Yes, life scientists are in demand in various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, agriculture, environmental conservation, and research institutes. The field continues to grow with advancements in technology and increased understanding of biological processes, offering ample career opportunities.

*The ISB collected the views of 1,820 international students at Teesside University, within a survey response of 119,254 students globally and 32,890 in the UK. More info at: https://www.tribalgroup.com/2022-isb-wave-2-global-benchmark-list / https://tees.ac.uk/sections/international/isb2022.cfm